Of Sock Buns and Hair…UPDATED

27 Jan

All my life I’ve had long hair. Well up until the age of 10 at least. When I was 10 my stepmother cut my nearly butt length hair down to chin length. I rocked the bob style for a few months until it grew out to shoulder length. For the past 14 years I’ve let my hair grow, never cutting it only trimming it. As a result..I have very long…LONG hair.I recently found out just how long it is. At the moment all of my hair is piled up on top of my head in a sock bun.

A sock bun is a hairstyle in which you use a sock to create a very nice looking bun. Think Princess Lea style buns. And yes  I did say on top  of my head. With all of my hair piled on top of my head…the very tips of it still come down to my ass. The top of my ass actually…but still. I’m 5’7”…which means that my hair is roughly 2.5 to 3 feet long. My hair is just about half my height. Anyways…I’ve got it up on top of my head wrapped around a sock because I’m attempting to curl my hair with the sock bun. Found the idea about a week ago on a forum board I’m part of and decided to try it. Since my hair resists all attempts of being brushed while wet…I decided to try it dry. I’ll update with results.


Wow.  I didn’t get quite the curls I was expecting…but I did get massive volume from having all my hair piled on top of my head. Hm… I left it in for about 3 hours. I think maybe my hair wins this styling round. It’s simply too thick to be put into one bun so I’ll have to try 2 buns and leave it over night. Holy hell I never realized just how much hair I had until today.  Damn.

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